The age of B2B brand building is dawning. And for good reason – Brand investment unlocks an immediate and long-term competitive advantage, secures future revenue and enables companies to command higher prices and earn bigger margins. Brands are invaluable shortcuts that our overstimulated brains and risk-averse buying committees default to in almost all B2B purchase decisions yet 81% of B2B ads fail to gain adequate attention or drive recall. With roughly $30 billion spent annually on B2B advertising in the US alone, this highlights a significant opportunity to improve the value from the investment.

To uncover the secrets to building breakthrough B2B ads, we teamed up with MediaScience to conduct one of the most robust B2B advertising attention and memory research studies to-date. This landmark study included ads from more than 50 major B2B advertisers, and analyzed metrics like heart rate, eye fixations, brand memory and recall to understand real professionals’ real responses. The findings underscore why better, bolder and more distinctive branding is the biggest untapped opportunity in B2B marketing.

Download the full report for a comprehensive analysis of our findings, including:

  1. Why audience attention remains a challenge, and why even the brands who do successfully capture it, all to often squander it.
  2. Why relying on logos and colors is not enough, and how doing so risks spending your marketing budget on growing competitors’ market share.
  3. How to use sound, when and how often to show your logo, and which other assets are a must to maximize attention and brand linkage.
  4. How the short term hit of ‘something new now’ undermines the true competitive advantage that comes from consistent, compounding investment into distinctive assets.